Saturday, March 23, 2024

The “War on Women” Ten Why's That Need to Be Answered.

Who the hell convinced these facetious pigs that taking away a woman's rights is a good idea? Don't these fools realize that once we lose our rights, their rights are next on the hit list? 

Have any of them shut up long enough to see that the men behind all of this unrest and stupidity are using the debate on abortion are using stupid people who don't check the facts first to keep their true agenda hidden? Seeing a man picketting my street with abortion signs makes me want to rip his throat out. MEN DO NOT GET TO TELL US WHAT TO DO WITH OUR BODIES. IF MEN WANT TO BE PART OF THE PROLIFE FACETISM, THEY SHOULD WAIT UNTIL THEY GIVE BIRTH FIRST THEN SEE IF THEY STILL AGREE WITH THIS FACETIOUS GARBAGE. iT'S NOT ABOUT REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS. IT'S ABOUT TAKING AWAY EVERYONE RIGHTS LITTLE BY LITTLE AND USING THE STUPID FOLLOWERS TO ACCOMPLISH THAT AGENDA. WAKE UP PEOPLE. 

 As mother, this debate about whether women should have the right to decide what happens to their unwanted babies raises a few questions for me. -            One thing is for damned sure. MY DAUGHTER IS NOT A BABY FACTORY AND NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE AWAY HER RIGHT TO CHOSE. I didn’t raise my children to be led around by the nose and forced into ruining their lives over a mistake. 

1.     Rule of Life: It takes two to make a situation. Why aren’t the facetious pro-lifers and the anti-family bleeding heart lobbyists, going after the men who impregnate women?

I also didn’t raise my children to hand over their personal power to a bunch of nut jobs with a self-serving political agenda. If the prolifers want to continue to destroy the family unit and ruin society with their facetious crap, they can stay the hell away from us.  

2.      Why are the W.O.L.F. (way out in left field) Jesus freaks, going after contraception now? From where I stand this bull shit move confirms their real goal is to turn our daughters into baby factories.

3.    Why aren’t the Prolifers going after the men that helped create these unwanted babies?

4.       Why aren’t the Prolifers forcing the men who create these unwanted babies to marry the women who don’t want them?

5.      Why aren’t the prolifer’s stepping up to adopt the babies they force our daughters to bring into the world?

6.    Why are they not doing something to stop the unwanted births?

7.      Why are they only focused on taking away women’s rights and not men’s rights? Are men’s rights next on their hit list?

9.     Why aren’t the Prolifers financing these births and adopting the unwanted babies? They want these babies so bad, but they stop at bullying our daughters into having babies only the Prolifers want.

9.   If they want the babies so bad, why aren’t they paying for them?

10. Why aren’t the prolifers dictating men’s sex lives to them? 

11. When did state and religion join forces against women?

Seeing men going after women’s reproductive rights really pisses me off. They have no right to decide for us. If the shoes were on the other foot, men wouldn’t feel any different than we do now. Religion, politics and facetious pigs have no right debating women’s reproductive rights.